Statement of Values: SODA is a not-for-profit, tax exempt organization. Our primary duty is to serve and advance the cause of disabled Americans. In so doing we try to create work and service opportunities within their communities. We seek ways to harness the power of the marketplace for our own self improvement while believing that inclusion & diversity is a continuing source for creativity and strength of America. We champion causes that promote growth and add to the vitality of our society. We promote work as a beneficial activity and respect the profit motive as a primary force for influencing human behavior. We are honest and ethical, in our dealings with each other, with our supporters as well as those we serve. We look for able and willing partners whose values blend well with our own.
Address: | SODA Bellevue, WA USA |
Text: | 206.387.5502 |
Phone: | 425.641.0192 |
E-mail: | |
Questions or concerns? Contact Steve Bundy: Space Cadets Only
SODA: ¤ Service Opportunities for Disabled Americans ¤ Space Cadets Only